Published 2016 | $14.95
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"Dianalee's insider view of the classic fairy tales is both droll and shrewd. The poems deliver the lowdown on the stories and characters we all know. The wry perspectives are unique; these versions make much real-life sense."
-Baron Wormser
"Anyone who wants to be entertained and amused and enjoys unbridled wit should read the poems found here. Here is this gifted poet's take on well-known fairy tales after these much loved stories end. This collection is filled with A-list fairy tale characters whose after lives are every bit as entertaining as their previous lives in these delightful satiric gems."
- Kevin Pilkington
"Perrault, Collodi, Andersen, Carroll and the Brothers Grimm are rolling in their graves. Happily."
-Rako Igric
Pinnocchio Runs For Office
"Vote for Me, your perfect candidate for President!
The day has dawned to overthrow monarchy.
Old King Cole and his three aging advisors
are fiddling while Fairy Tale Land burns.
Deeper and deeper into debt we go while
Parliament takes numerous and lengthy vacations.
I vow to tell the truth. Since losing
my wooden-puppet, political persona, I stand
before you a humble human whose nose still
grows while flaunting a fib. A foreign newspaper
even uses the length of my nose to rate partisan
truth from fiction, so I am being glib.
My father, a humble carpenter, carved me,
creating my virgin birth. Spending time
in the belly of a whale I miraculously
escaped. No biblical puns intended.
In the past, I was an ass hanging out
with bad boys but sowed my wild acorns.
Being made orginally from oak, I am strong
and steadfast, a born pillar of society. My running
mate, Jiminy Cricket, will act as my conscience
and the Good Fairy, who lost the primary to me,
will be my Secretary of State. So, vote as often
as you can against righteous Royal Rule.
Crown me your virtuous new ruler!
- a selection from Ever After - published 2016