A Seasonal Education: Potomac Review, 4/1/95, Vol. 2, No. 2 Spring 1995
And on the Third Day: New Voices in Poetry and Prose, New Voices, P.O. Box 52196, Shreveport, LA 71135
Angel's Choice: Visions 96, 1/1/97, Me and My Angel, Sandstar Productions, P.O.B. 181, Rockport, Massachusetts, 01966
Angel's Choice: A Christmas Collection, 10/1/01, July Literary Press, Buffalo, NY
Baby Boomer: The Pen Woman, 12/1/99, Volume LXXIX, No.3, The National League of American Pen Women. 1300 17th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-1973
Boys Will Be Boys: Sensation Magazine, 12/12/11, Issue # 49
Cookie: Moon Dance Film Festival, 6/16/06, Honorable Mention
Cookie: Sensations Magazine, 12/12/11, Issue # 49
Dawn: Woman Power, 6/1/97, Volume 2 Issue 3, Copper Moon Publishing, PO Box 1348, Meadville, PA 16335
Dawn: When a Life Mate Dies/Stories of Love, Loss and Healing, 12/1/97, Fairview Press, 2450 Riverside Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55454
Five O’clock World: Sensations Magazine, 4/15/0, Issue 38
Five O’clock World: Inspirit, 1/1/06, Winter 2006, World Baughman Memorial Church Literary Journal
Hitchin' a Ride: Sensations Magazine, Issue 32
Hitchin' a Ride: Paws & Tales, GDI Publishing, 50 Beharrell Street, West Concord, MA 01742
Hitchin' a Ride: Hart/ A Tome for the Arts, Issue 2, Newburgh Center for the Arts, P.O. Box 46, Newburgh, NY 12550
Holly's Folly: The Short Story Digest, 6/1/92, Honorable Mention, Caldwell Publishing Short Story Contest
Holly's Folly: Woman Power, 5/1/97, Volume 2 Issue 2, Copper Moon Publishing P.O. Box 1348 Meadville, PA 16335
I Remember Mama: Mother/Daughter Voices, 5/1/95, 12th House Moon, 12 Sheridan Street, Lexington, MA 02173
I Remember Mama: Gifts from Our Grandmothers, 6/1/00, Crown Publishers, New York, NY
Journey to the Garden of the Waning Moon: Sensations Magazine 12/4/04, Late Winter Issue
Mama Says: Mother of the Groom, 12/1/96, Women's Voices, Distinctive Publishing, P.O Box 17868, Plantation, Florida 33318
Family Memories from the Hearth: Take Two They're Small, 6/1/02, Outrider Press
Seeking Solitude: Northwoods Journal, Volume V, Number 1, The Conservatory of American Letters, PO Box 298, Thomaston, Maine 04861
Silent Night: children, CHURCHES, & daddies, 4/1/95, Volume 47: Dreamlike State ISSN 1068-5154
Strong Hands, Warm Heart: At Grandmother's Table, Fairview Press, 2450 Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55454
Sunflower: Kalliope, 4/1/96,Volume XVIII, NO.1 Florida Community College at Jacksonville, Florida
That Secret Season: A Kiss is Still a Kiss, Outrider Press
The Ancestress: Papyrus, Volume 4 Number 3, Papyrus Literary Enterprises
The Ancestress: reprint, Myriads, 3/1/00, University of Connecticut
The Baby Born in 1944: Hart Magazine/ A Tome for the Arts, 12/1/98, Issue 4, Newburgh Center for the Arts, Inc. P.O. Box 46, Newburgh, NY 12550
The Family Jewel: ART: MAG, 1/1/97, Special Fiction Issue II, Limited Edition Press, P.O.B. 70896, Las Vegas, Nevada 89170
The Family Jewel: The Ghost in the Gazebo, 2/1/03, Rock Village Publishing, 41 Walnut Street, Middleborough, MA 02346
The Seed: Sensations Magazine, 1/1/03, 15th Anniversary Fiction Issue
Vegetable Fajitas: Sensations Magazine, 6/1/96
Wake Me to Sleep: children CHURCHES & daddies, 2/1/95, Volume 36
The Gift: Two Sisters Writing and Publishing, January 2019
A Seasonal Education, Art Ascent, August, 2020